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Big working bee at The Bug Rug with Landcare and Cox Automotive

Join us for a big working bee at the beautiful Bug Rug. We will be doing all sorts of activities to make this gorgeous site even better. We’ll be working with volunteers from our recent generous sponsor Cox Automotive through Landcare Australia.

There will be a Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony
A catered lunch.
A portaloo on site.

Entry to the site is at 59 Sanders Ave, West Sunshine, Sunshine. We are just a little further downstream from the entry - walk right about 20 metres along the path and you'll spot us.

Bring your own gloves and water bottles. It is wise to wear long pants and shirts as well as sturdy shoes.

Hope to see you there!

Any questions contact Jessica on 0449069962.

Earlier Event: 24 November
Working Bee at The Bug Rug