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National Tree Day

  • Lizard Lounge Site 27 Fraser Street Sunshine, VIC, 3020 Australia (map)

Come down and help plant 2000 grasses, wildflowers, shrubs and trees at our gorgeous Lizard Lounge Site.

Join us at 10am for a Welcome To Country and Smoking Ceremony from Wurundjeri Elder Uncle Ron Jones.

Music from ARIA award winning artist Tonié Field and the Sunshine Street Band.

A 'Chic Creek Geek' fashion parade. Bring along your wildest indigenous plant or animal hat creation, or make an upcycled one on the day with Sukie from StagePlay and win a prize.

Get your "degree" from Professor Poa at the University of Planting.

Macro-invertebrate sampling and water testing.

Facepainting by Fairy Lulu.

A BBQ and cakes galore.

Don't miss it!

Check out our video from the planting day at this site in 2016:

And from 2017:

When: Sunday 28th July, 10am – 12pm.

Where: Behind 27 Fraser St, Sunshine. Access the creek by an informal path between the Jehovah’s Witness car park and the house at number 25 Fraser Street.

What to bring: Wear sturdy shoes and bring gloves if you have them. We kindly ask that any dogs be kept on leads. Cheers!

Earlier Event: 22 July
Boomerang Bag making
Later Event: 29 July
Boomerang Bag making